在线手册 PD4-E CANopen
- 技术手册 PD4-E
- 安全和警告通知
- 技术细节和引脚分配
- 调试
- 一般概念
- 工作模式
- 特殊功能
- CANopen
- 使用 NanoJ 编程
- 对象目录说明
- 1000h Device Type
- 1001h Error Register
- 1003h Pre-defined Error Field
- 1005h COB-ID Sync
- 1007h Synchronous Window Length
- 1008h Manufacturer Device Name
- 1009h Manufacturer Hardware Version
- 100Ah Manufacturer Software Version
- 100Ch Guard Time
- 100Dh Live Time Factor
- 1010h Store Parameters
- 1011h Restore Default Parameters
- 1014h COB-ID EMCY
- 1016h Consumer Heartbeat Time
- 1017h Producer Heartbeat Time
- 1018h Identity Object
- 1019h Synchronous Counter Overflow Value
- 1020h Verify Configuration
- 1029h Error Behavior
- 1400h Receive PDO 1 Communication Parameter
- 1401h Receive PDO 2 Communication Parameter
- 1402h Receive PDO 3 Communication Parameter
- 1403h Receive PDO 4 Communication Parameter
- 1404h Receive PDO 5 Communication Parameter
- 1405h Receive PDO 6 Communication Parameter
- 1406h Receive PDO 7 Communication Parameter
- 1407h Receive PDO 8 Communication Parameter
- 1600h Receive PDO 1 Mapping Parameter
- 1601h Receive PDO 2 Mapping Parameter
- 1602h Receive PDO 3 Mapping Parameter
- 1603h Receive PDO 4 Mapping Parameter
- 1604h Receive PDO 5 Mapping Parameter
- 1605h Receive PDO 6 Mapping Parameter
- 1606h Receive PDO 7 Mapping Parameter
- 1607h Receive PDO 8 Mapping Parameter
- 1800h Transmit PDO 1 Communication Parameter
- 1801h Transmit PDO 2 Communication Parameter
- 1802h Transmit PDO 3 Communication Parameter
- 1803h Transmit PDO 4 Communication Parameter
- 1804h Transmit PDO 5 Communication Parameter
- 1805h Transmit PDO 6 Communication Parameter
- 1806h Transmit PDO 7 Communication Parameter
- 1807h Transmit PDO 8 Communication Parameter
- 1A00h Transmit PDO 1 Mapping Parameter
- 1A01h Transmit PDO 2 Mapping Parameter
- 1A02h Transmit PDO 3 Mapping Parameter
- 1A03h Transmit PDO 4 Mapping Parameter
- 1A04h Transmit PDO 5 Mapping Parameter
- 1A05h Transmit PDO 6 Mapping Parameter
- 1A06h Transmit PDO 7 Mapping Parameter
- 1A07h Transmit PDO 8 Mapping Parameter
- 1F50h Program Data
- 1F51h Program Control
- 1F57h Program Status
- 1F80h NMT Startup
- 2005h CANopen Baudrate
- 2006h CANopen WheelConfig
- 2007h CANopen Config
- 2009h CANopen NodeID
- 2030h Pole Pair Count
- 2031h Maximum Current
- 2034h Upper Voltage Warning Level
- 2035h Lower Voltage Warning Level
- 2036h Open Loop Current Reduction Idle Time
- 2037h Open Loop Current Reduction Value/factor
- 2038h Brake Controller Timing
- 2039h Motor Currents
- 203Ah Homing On Block Configuration
- 203Bh I2t Parameters
- 203Dh Torque Window
- 203Eh Torque Window Time Out
- 203Fh Max Slippage Time Out
- 2056h Limit Switch Tolerance Band
- 2057h Clock Direction Multiplier
- 2058h Clock Direction Divider
- 2059h Encoder Configuration
- 205Ah Absolute Sensor Boot Value (in User Units)
- 205Bh Clock Direction Or Clockwise/Counter Clockwise Mode
- 2084h Bootup Delay
- 2101h Fieldbus Module Availability
- 2102h Fieldbus Module Control
- 2103h Fieldbus Module Status
- 2300h NanoJ Control
- 2301h NanoJ Status
- 2302h NanoJ Error Code
- 230Fh Uptime Seconds
- 2310h NanoJ Input Data Selection
- 2320h NanoJ Output Data Selection
- 2330h NanoJ In/output Data Selection
- 2400h NanoJ Inputs
- 2410h NanoJ Init Parameters
- 2500h NanoJ Outputs
- 2600h NanoJ Debug Output
- 2701h Customer Storage Area
- 2800h Bootloader And Reboot Settings
- 3202h Motor Drive Submode Select
- 3203h Feedback Selection
- 3204h Feedback Mapping
- 3210h Motor Drive Parameter Set
- 3212h Motor Drive Flags
- 3220h Analog Inputs
- 3221h Analogue Inputs Control
- 3225h Analogue Inputs Switches
- 3240h Digital Inputs Control
- 3241h Digital Input Capture
- 3242h Digital Input Routing
- 3243h Digital Input Homing Capture
- 3250h Digital Outputs Control
- 3252h Digital Output Routing
- 3320h Read Analogue Input
- 3321h Analogue Input Offset
- 3322h Analogue Input Pre-scaling
- 33A0h Feedback Incremental A/B/I 1
- 3700h Deviation Error Option Code
- 4012h HW Information
- 4013h HW Configuration
- 4014h Operating Conditions
- 4015h Special Drive Modes
- 4016h Factory Settings
- 4040h Drive Serial Number
- 4041h Device Id
- 603Fh Error Code
- 6040h Controlword
- 6041h Statusword
- 6042h Vl Target Velocity
- 6043h Vl Velocity Demand
- 6044h Vl Velocity Actual Value
- 6046h Vl Velocity Min Max Amount
- 6048h Vl Velocity Acceleration
- 6049h Vl Velocity Deceleration
- 604Ah Vl Velocity Quick Stop
- 604Ch Vl Dimension Factor
- 605Ah Quick Stop Option Code
- 605Bh Shutdown Option Code
- 605Ch Disable Option Code
- 605Dh Halt Option Code
- 605Eh Fault Option Code
- 6060h Modes Of Operation
- 6061h Modes Of Operation Display
- 6062h Position Demand Value
- 6063h Position Actual Internal Value
- 6064h Position Actual Value
- 6065h Following Error Window
- 6066h Following Error Time Out
- 6067h Position Window
- 6068h Position Window Time
- 606Bh Velocity Demand Value
- 606Ch Velocity Actual Value
- 606Dh Velocity Window
- 606Eh Velocity Window Time
- 6071h Target Torque
- 6072h Max Torque
- 6074h Torque Demand
- 6075h Motor Rated Current
- 6077h Torque Actual Value
- 607Ah Target Position
- 607Bh Position Range Limit
- 607Ch Home Offset
- 607Dh Software Position Limit
- 607Eh Polarity
- 607Fh Max Profile Velocity
- 6080h Max Motor Speed
- 6081h Profile Velocity
- 6082h End Velocity
- 6083h Profile Acceleration
- 6084h Profile Deceleration
- 6085h Quick Stop Deceleration
- 6086h Motion Profile Type
- 6087h Torque Slope
- 608Fh Position Encoder Resolution
- 6090h Velocity Encoder Resolution
- 6091h Gear Ratio
- 6092h Feed Constant
- 6096h Velocity Factor
- 6097h Acceleration Factor
- 6098h Homing Method
- 6099h Homing Speed
- 609Ah Homing Acceleration
- 60A2h Jerk Factor
- 60A4h Profile Jerk
- 60A8h SI Unit Position
- 60A9h SI Unit Velocity
- 60B0h Position Offset
- 60B1h Velocity Offset
- 60B2h Torque Offset
- 60C1h Interpolation Data Record
- 60C2h Interpolation Time Period
- 60C4h Interpolation Data Configuration
- 60C5h Max Acceleration
- 60C6h Max Deceleration
- 60E4h Additional Position Actual Value
- 60E5h Additional Velocity Actual Value
- 60E6h Additional Position Encoder Resolution - Encoder Increments
- 60E8h Additional Gear Ratio - Motor Shaft Revolutions
- 60E9h Additional Feed Constant - Feed
- 60EBh Additional Position Encoder Resolution - Motor Revolutions
- 60EDh Additional Gear Ratio - Driving Shaft Revolutions
- 60EEh Additional Feed Constant - Driving Shaft Revolutions
- 60F2h Positioning Option Code
- 60F4h Following Error Actual Value
- 60F8h Max Slippage
- 60FAh Control Effort
- 60FCh Position Demand Internal Value
- 60FDh Digital Inputs
- 60FEh Digital Outputs
- 60FFh Target Velocity
- 6502h Supported Drive Modes
- 6503h Drive Catalogue Number
- 6505h Http Drive Catalogue Address
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