机器人用轮式驱动器  –  产品

Innovative modular wheel drives from Nanotec offer efficiency & precision for service robots & automated guided vehicles (AGVs).

WD – 模块化轮式驱动器

WD 轮式驱动器由轮结构、行星变速箱和轴承组成,该装置只需占用极小的空间,但却可以承受较高的径向载荷。配套的安装支架简化了安装过程。
  • 轮子直径  -
  • 负载能力
  • 减速比 11  - 26 
  • 额定输出转矩 20.27 Nm - 23.13 Nm
Innovative compact wheel drives with BLDC motor from Nanotec offer an efficient drive solution for service robots & & automated guided vehicles (AGVs).

WD42 – 紧凑型轮式驱动器

WD42 轮式驱动器是一种紧凑型装置,由轮子、变速箱、直流无刷电机和编码器组成。该驱动器将所有部件直接集成在轮子上,总长度仅为 103 mm。轮子直径从 75 mm 至 140 mm。维护时,轮子可以轻易更换。 节省空间的设计 4 种减速比:12 / 15 / 21 / 26 额定转速高达 2.2 m/s 电机额定功率为 183 W
  • 轮子直径  -
  • 负载能力
  • 减速比 11.76  - 25.62 
  • 额定输出转矩 4.88 Nm - 10.63 Nm
  • 额定输出转速 0.5 m/s - 2.2 m/s
  • 额定电压 48 V
  • 额定电流 5.9 A

机器人用轮式驱动器  –  筛选


{{ curve.panelTitle }}

Recommended load limit:
Maximum short-term static load that may be reached when the service life is taken into account.
Recommended load limit
Continuous duty region
转矩 [Nm]/{{ curve.comparePoint | number : 2 }}rpm 转速 [rpm]/{{ curve.comparePoint | number : 2 }}Nm
{{ dataRow.max_power }}A {{ dataRow.voltage }}V {{ dataRow.wiring }}
{{ curve.calculateValueAtComparePoint(dataRow) }}
  • {{ attribute.label }}

{{ curve.panelTitle }}

Recommended load limit:
Maximum short-term static load that may be reached when the service life is taken into account.
Recommended load limit
Continuous duty region
Torque [Nm] at {{ curve.comparePoint | number : 2 }} rpm Speed [rpm] at {{ curve.comparePoint | number : 2 }} Nm
{{ dataRow.voltage }}V {{ dataRow.wiring }}
{{ curve.calculateValueAtComparePoint(dataRow) }}
  • {{ attribute.label }}

{{ curve.panelTitle }}

Recommended load limit:
Maximum short-term static load that may be reached when the service life is taken into account.
Recommended load limit
Continuous duty region
力 [N]/{{ curve.comparePoint | number : 2 }}mm/s 速度 [mm/s]/{{ curve.comparePoint | number : 2 }}N
{{ dataRow.max_power }}A {{ dataRow.voltage }}V {{ dataRow.wiring }}
{{ curve.calculateValueAtComparePoint(dataRow) }}
  • {{ attribute.label }}
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{{ pfinder.totalResults }} 结果



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